Wedding Flowers


Elegant Cascading Bouquet with Sunflowers, Roses, Lisianthus with a touch of Babies Breathe

Elegant Cascading Bouquet with Sunflowers, Roses, Lisianthus with a touch of Babies Breathe


Looking for Fresh or Silk fabulous Wedding Flowers, Call into Mint Flowers, we have your flowers sorted for your bridal party, ceremony and reception. We cater for all budgets, styles and themes.  We pride ourselves on helping you to create gorgeous flowers you will LOVE for your special day. Whether it is a simple wedding at home or at your favourite venue, we can transform the space to make sure the flowers are amazing and exceeds your expectations for your day

Everyone deserves to have the most beautiful blooms on their special day.



We have a range of exquisite bouquets in store, show casing some examples of bridal work.

My passion for creating wedding flowers is done with design and flare, which helps compliment you and gives a wow factor on your wedding day.


We also specialise in High Quality Silk flowers which we can send anywhere in New Zealand.

Contact us to arrange a time to chat about your own ideas, and if you are not sure – don't worry we can help there too. And thanks to the brilliance of technology all arrangements can be made via phone and email – so even if you are arranging the flowers from another country - no worries!

I’m ready to help your floral dreams and visions come true.. .